
SRM.Net – Supplier Management (en)

In this workshop you will learn how the SRM.Net software supports you throughout the creation of supplier evaluations by using cross-modular information from within your entire CAQ system. You will learn how to use freely definable hard and soft facts as well as KPIs for your supplier management and how to track the development and performance of your suppliers via history functions. After attending this workshop, you will be able to prepare and analyze supplier evaluations via SRM.Net and apply related information throughout all your supplier management processes.


The following topics will be addressed in this workshop:

  • General use of the SRM.Net software
  • Creation of freely definable hard and soft facts
  • Definition of key figures (KPIs) such as PPM, number of complaints, quantity/schedule adherence, etc.
  • Use of cross-modular information from within the entire CAQ system
  • Integration of data from ERP or CRM systems
  • Use of freely definable evaluation methods
  • Multi-language capability within SRM.Net


All users of the respective CAQ.Net quality assurance modules.


Only for CAQ AG Factory Systems software customers/users.


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Hinweis / Anmeldung

Dieser Workshop wird durch unser Partnerunternehmen GFQ Akademie GmbH organisiert und durchgeführt.

Für Kunden der CAQ AG Factory Systems mit bestehendem TSP (Top-Service-Paket) werden bei Online-Buchungen 25 % der jeweiligen TSP-Jahresgebühr auf Teilnahmegebühren von Software-Anwender-Workshops angerechnet.

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